Þann 24. febrúar sl. hófst hin hörmulega innrás Rússa, sem enn sér ekki fyrir endan á. Til að sýna Úkraínumönnum stuðning þá sendi Leikn frá sér ályktun, sem birtist á heimasíðu EAEA. Ályktunin er á ensku og er svohljóðandi.
Leikn, an organization of stakeholders in adult education in Iceland, deplores Russia’s ongoing war
against Ukraine. Leikn challenges Russia to withdraw its troops from Ukraine immediately. At the
same time, Leikn regrets the Russian government’s efforts to abolish freedom of the media and
opinion in Russia. With its efforts to keep the Russian nation disinformed, the Russian government
works against a healthy and just alliance of people and nations. Countries worldwide, particularly
great nations like Russia, must constantly pursue international humanitarian and human rights.
Attacking civilians and civilian targets is criminal.
We stand with the people of Ukraine and we strongly support the Icelandic nation’s willingness – as
well as the Icelandic government’s decision – to receive Ukrainian refugees.
We urge the EU and all nations worldwide to reject Russia’s hostilities, violence, and aggression
towards Ukraine. Furthermore, Leikn urges the world community to respond to such atrocities much
quicker and more decisive in the future regardless of the countries involved